Service Adjustment
2-16-25 - UPDATE - Worship service is moved to 4:00 pm today. Monitor the roads for safety. Streaming will be available on YouTube.
Streaming Services
12-22-24 - The Eastview Church of Christ has begun streaming services on YouTube, at our new YouTube channel. We're excited for the additional outreach that this will offer us beyond the scope of our Facebook page. These streamed Bible classes and worship services will remain recorded and archived, so anyone can search for prior services, and these will be linked from our church website and Facebook page as well.
If you have any suggestions, feedback, or questions for our audio-video team, please feel free to reach out to our deacons. We want to continue to use these tools for the benefit of our church family and our community!
Bible Classes
11-10-24 - We are now well into our final quarter of Bible classes at Eastview. Our Sunday adult class continues with a study of the life of Christ, as we enter into his passion week, crucifixion, and resurrection. The Wednesday adult class is studying "Body, Soul, & Spirit", considering what it means to be fully human as God intends. Our children's classes are now in the book of Exodus, in material entitled "Under God's Mighty Hand".
Our shepherds have also selected some topics of study for 2025. Our Sunday classes for Jan-June will study church history, through the books of Acts and the epistles and Revelation, through to the modern day. In July-Dec, our Sunday classes will reflect on the Holy Spirit, the fruit of the SPirit, and the miraculous gifts of the Spirit. Adult Wednesday classes throughout 2025 will be going through the epistles of Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians. Meanwhile, the preschool and primary classes will continue in their survey of Scriptures, moving into the rest of the Books of Moses, Joshua, and Judges. We have classes available for all ages, and hope that you will take the opportunity to come learn together with us at the Eastview Church of Christ!
Fall Bible Series
10-20-24 - This week will begin our weeklong Bible series with Steve Niemeier. have been looking forward to this for much of the year, and want to encourage everyone to attend. Steve's theme for the week will be "Knowing, Believing, & Engaging God", and we will reflect on issues from the fundamental relationships between man & God, to the heart of the gospel, to the timeless question of why bad things happen to good people. These messages will be accessible to those who do not have a deep experience in the Scriptures, and applicable and challenging for those who do. Service times are as usual on Sunday, and will be followed by meeting at 7 pm each weeknight through Friday. We hope to see everyone there!
Fall Bible Series
6-9-24 - The Eastview Church of Christ is excited to hold a special Bible series this coming fall. On Oct 20-25, we will host Steve Niemeier for a series entitled "Knowing, Believing, & Engaging God". These discussions will range through the nature of God, man, and the relationship between the two, as we come to know and trust our Lord. We hope to make this a community-oriented event, where all are welcome to come and learn, without barriers of miscommunication or embarrassment. We look forward to seeing all there!
Bible Classes
4-7-24 - With a new quarter begins new classes at the Eastview Church of Christ. Our Sunday adult Bible class continues in "The Bread of Life", a harmony of the gospels looking at the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Our Wednesday adult class begins a study of "History and Geography of the Bible", a six-month survey of the Scriptures which will incorporate the historical context of the ancient world.
The children's classes have begun new classes as well. The adolescent classes have started discussing the book of Acts, mirroring a recent series from the adult class. The primary and toddler classes are continuing in a survey of the New Testament, and are now using some material entitled "Letters from Heaven", unpacking the epistles to the early churches. We are so blessed at Eastview to have excellent and committed teachers for our classes of all ages; we would love to have you join us for our studies!
Service Cancellation
1-14-24 - Due to extreme temperatures in the region, the Eastview Church of Christ will be meeting today at 1:30 pm for Bible classes and 2:30 for worship service instead of our regular times. Our congregation-wide meeting will take place after the 2:30 worship. Pray for warmth and safety, and look to help others as well (Jas 2:16).
New Sermon Series
1-7-24 - This evening, the Eastview Church of Christ will begin a new sermon series on 'Effective Personal Evangelism'. We are very excited and hopeful for this 2024 series, given by brother Aric Russell. Of course, evangelism is a much broader idea than simply pulpit preaching. An evangelistic spirit is something that all Christians can, and should, demonstrate. This series will help provide some skills, strategies, and motivations for sharing the good news of Jesus with those around us. Join us for this journey of evangelism all year long!
Bible Classes
10-1-23 - This week marks a new quarter for all our adult and children's Bible classes at the Eastview Church of Christ. Our small children's classes will be moving into "The Cross and the Empty Tomb", looking at Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Our adolescents' class continues in a series on "Overcoming Sin", looking at the unique challenges of that season of life. And our adult classes will be moving into a Sunday series entitled "Angels and Other Created Spiritual Beings". Meanwhile, the adult Wednesday class will begin six months in the book of Acts, looking at the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit through the early church. We want to welcome you, no matter your age, experience, or background, to join us in study at the Eastview Church of Christ.
Guest Speaker
7-9-23 - In two weeks, Raymond Pringle will join the Eastview Church of Christ to preach for both our am and pm worship service. Raymond is an evangelist who works in Krugersdorp, South Africa, and we have been able to financially support his work over the past two years. Please pray for his safe travels, and the perseverance of the church in Krugersdorp in his absence. And join us on Sun July 23 as Raymond shares with us the gospel work in South Africa!
Audio-Visual Services
4-23-23 - We have been updating our technical equipment at the Eastview Church of Christ. Our technical and audio-visual committee, including our deacons Troy Smith, JD Souder, and Jamie Richardson, as well as our minister Aric Russell, has been hard at work researching and practicing various techniques that will help provide high quality online for our audio library and streaming services, as well as our in-person services. We have new microphones to amplify and record our congregational singing, a new camera for clearer picture in our video, and updated sound equipment for crisper audio. Recorded audio is available at, and our stream of classes and worship is at May the Lord be honored by our efforts (Ps 150:1-6)!
Spring Gospel Meeting
4-14-23 - In just two short weeks, Eastview Church of Christ will host a weekend gospel meeting! Aric Russell will be our speaker for Fri and Sat evenings, as well as the Sun services. We will also have a gospel singing event at 2 pm on Sunday afternoon. We would love for you to take this opportunity to join us, as we study and strive to live out the gospel of Jesus!
New Shepherd and Minister Pages
2-26-23 - With the addition of Aric Russell as Eastview's primary minister, and the recent appointment of Brian Perry as part of Eastview's eldership, the church's website has been updated with new webpages for our shepherds, our deacons, and our minister. We are excited for this season of Spirit-filled peace, comfort, and growth (Acts 9:31) for our church family!
Service Time
1-22-23 - Today's service time has been moved to 2 pm. We will hold a single worship service, but no Bible class. Again, please be safe in attempting to gather with your brothers and sisters today.
Service Cancellation
1-22-23 - Due to heavy snowfall overnight, our morning classes and morning worship service today will be cancelled. The shepherds will make a decision on evening services later today. If you wish to listen to prior messages, visit our library of prior sermons. In the meantime, we want to encourage everyone to continue to carefully monitor the weather and take care of one another (1 Thess 4:9).
Bible Classes
1-1-23 - With the beginning of a new year, the Eastview Church of Christ has begun a new series of Bible classes for all ages. The toddler class continues its series through the Old Testament as the children of Israel enter exile. Our primary class is looking at the messages of the prophets in “Building Your Life for God". Our adolescents are studying holiness in “Living Pure Lives”.
And our adult classes begin new series as well. In the Sunday am class, we will be reflecting on Christian approaches to various modern issues in politics, science, gender and sexuality, and social issues. The Wednesday pm classes will proceed through the book of Exodus in Jan-Mar, and Leviticus & Numbers in April-June. We encourage you to join us for these accessible and powerful lessons!
Service Cancellation
12-25-22 - Due to dangerous temperatures and power outages, our evening worship services for today will be cancelled. We want to encourage everyone to be careful and take care of one another (1 Thess 4:9).
Sermon Podcast
11-13-22 - Did you know that our sermons are available as a podcast? Listen to our sermons on the go by searching for "Eastview Church of Christ" in your favorite podcast provider! The audio is automatically uploaded every Sunday evening. There is no better way to start your week than spending time in God's word with his people (Rom 10:17).
Autumn Gospel Meeting
9-11-22 - In two weeks, we will be hosting an autumn gospel meeting with Gary Coles, entitled "Navigating the Landscapes of Life". Brother Gary worked with the Eastview congregation as full-time minister for nearly 20 years until 2018. This meeting will begin Sun with class at 9:30 am and worship at 10:30 am, followed by a song service at 2 pm and worship at 3 pm. The meeting will continue Mon-Wed at 7 pm each night. All are welcome as we open the Scriptures to learn together!
New Preacher
8-28-22 - The Eastview Church of Christ is excited to announce that Aric Russell will be our full-time preacher, beginning in December 2022. As he helps equip us for the work of ministry, let us all look forward to the work of the kingdom (Eph 4:11-13)!
Please continue to pray for our church family, and especially for our shepherds and the Russell family, during this time of transition (2 Thess 3:1).
Bible Classes
7-10-22 - Our adult Bible classes will have new themes for the second half of the year. On Sunday mornings, we will be discussing the important Biblical theme of grace. We will be looking at God's character of grace in both Old and New Testaments, as well as grace in the story of Jesus, and how grace should be a virtue in the Christian life. This class series will continue through the end of the year, and will be on a rotating teacher schedule.
On Wednesday evenings, Troy Smith will be leading our discussions through the book of Genesis. This series had been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and we are looking forward to continuing to explore God's relationships with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph!
In the fall, our Wednesday evening class will be led by Jeff Souder as we study "Managing our Blessings", a look at how Biblical principles can guide Christian stewardship.
Streaming Services
6-12-22 - Beginning today, the Eastview Church of Christ will be streaming all adult Bible classes and worship services on the Eastview Facebook page. Videos will be posted live during worship for those who are unable to attend. Like, follow, and share the church Facebook page to receive notifications. With this change, we will no longer use Zoom for streaming services. We would love to see you in person, or see you virtually on our sites!
5-29-22 - Beginning in June 2022, we will make some changes to our remembrance of the Lord's supper. We have been utilizing individual pre-packaged communion wafers and cups during the most dangerous time of the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time, we will transition back to passing a common plate (1 Cor 10:16-17). However, we will not return to passing a plate to take up the weekly collection; we will continue using a collection box instead.
Our COVID-19 page has been updated to reflect these changes. We continue with regular cleaning protocols, with hand sanitizer and masks available. Please continue to pray for the health of the church family at Eastview (3 John 2).
5-22-22 - The shepherds of the Eastview Church of Christ have opened up our preaching schedule to allow more opportunities for our members to preach. At Eastview, we are blessed to have many men with experience, skill, and wisdom in sharing the word of God (Neh 8:8). This will also allow the entire congregation to grow as we learn together in sharing messages from Scripture (Rom 15:14). We will also be periodically bringing in other preachers to benefit from a variety of voices.
To listen to recent messages, visit our sermon page.
Bible Classes
3-27-22 - Our next Wed evening adult class will be a series on Resurrection. We will consider resurrection as the central storyline in Scripture: God's people are subjected to oppression and death, but God rescues them out the other side into blessing and life. This cycle is repeated through the stories of Joseph, Moses, David, and the prophets, into the death and resurrection of Jesus, and finally into the great Christian hope of the resurrection yet to come. For access to the written class material, click here.
JD and Bryan also completed a recent podcast series discussing resurrection as well; those episodes can be found here.